I have been wondering for quite some time why did God the Father send Jesus to the world after He had said, “Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man [was] great in the earth, and [that] every intent of the thoughts of his heart [was] only evil continually. And the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.” Genesis 6:5-6. In the verses that follow we read that God destroyed everyone and everything except Noah, a handful of his family members, and certain animals that are not forbidden by God for consumption, and other animals that Noah saved into his boat. The rest perished in the big flood. God opened the sky and poured rain for forty days and forty nights, drowned and killed millions of humans, animals, and everything else that God had created, except Lucifer and millions of his angels. Why? Because they can be destroyed by hell-fire only, and not by flood water. Hell-fire is saved for last to punish Satan, his angels, and his rebellious human coworkers. Yahweh said through Jesus, "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” Matthew 10:28. Why? Because our bodies will vanish in a matter of seconds or minutes under extreme heat, but the soul is resistant to death. Jesus said that we will hear weeping and gnashing of teeth in hell. Do you know why we will hear weeping and gnashing of teeth? Because the soul does not die right away even under 1,000 degrees Celsius heat. The soul is resistant to death. The time it takes for hell fire to kill a resistant soul depends upon the evils that we have done in our lives. If we practice lawlessness, that's when we will hear wailing and gnashing of teeth - our teeth. That’s why Jesus said, "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” Matthew 10:28. Readers, please do not ignore the daily messages that I am bringing to you in my daily posting. Why? Because what I am telling you comes from what Jesus says. And what He tells me comes from His father, Yahweh. And Yahweh is the same God who strikes Sapphira and Ananias death for cheating. Do you think He will let us live in sin under "grace" in heaven? NO! Why? Because there is no sin in heaven. Readers, I want you to be sure that you know your God well!
I believe the reason why God sent Jesus to the world is so that we know what the will of God the Father is through Jesus. Yahweh sent Jesus as His human representative from heaven. Jesus said, "For I have not spoken on My own [authority]; but the Father who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and what I should speak. "And I know that His command is everlasting life. Therefore, whatever I speak, just as the Father has told Me, so I speak." John 12:49-50. Readers, do we understand what Jesus said in John 12:49-50? Jesus said that the command of His Father is eternal life. The will of His Father is eternal life! If you say we do, then why are we ignoring the words and commandments of Yahweh that He gave to us through Jesus Christ, why? Can we not believe what He says before we see Him, is that why?
Look here. Yahweh said through Jesus, "Not everyone who says to Me, `Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. "Many will say to Me on that day, `Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' "And then I will declare to them, `I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'” Matthew 7:21-23.
These men/women of great faith knew that they have to follow the law. But they ignored the will of Jesus’ Father. They thought that faith was enough to save them. They waited until Jesus returned to prove that they were right. But Jesus proves to them that they are wrong. Jesus rejected them! Yahweh rejected them!
Is that what we are waiting to hear Him say when He returns, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness
!'  Bad luck!
Finally, how can we escape from the charge of "practice lawlessness" when we hear Jesus says those words to us on judgment day?. It covers every violation of Gods commandments including but not limited to living in sin under grace and doing things behind "closed doors". What will we do? Revise the Bible? Change our understanding of the Bible, again? Deceive more people so we can become rich? If we believe that hell-fire is not hot enough, or long enough, do what we want to do, change the teachings of the Holy Bible, change the teachings of Jesus, change the teachings of Yahweh now, today, so Jesus can come tomorrow. The Gentile Christians don't appreciate Your sacrifice, and they don't love You. Jesus said, "If you love Me, keep My commandments." John 14:15.

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