Our religious freedom in this country is truly amazing. I have never seen or heard of the freedom that our government gives us to worship Jesus, Allah, Yahweh, Rocks, Trees, or anything that we want to worship, compared to other countries. I read that the government of Israel, however, limits what activities Christians can do to proselytize the Jews in Israel. Apparently, the Jews have had bad experiences with fake Christians in Israel. In this country, we have the freedom to proselytize anyone, Islam, Buddhists, Jews, Atheists, and so forth, and convert them to Christianity. Isn't it amazing? I think we should follow what the Jews are now doing in Israel, or are working to do with regard to Christians proselytizing the Jews in Israel. Why? Because Christians are not teaching the true gospel of Jesus. That makes Christianity a dangerous religion for the faithful Jews. It is a bad precedent! We should prohibit Christians from proselytizing anyone from other faiths, such a...